This is My Story

From a young age, I have been drawing and capturing the world around me. While others just see the finished product, I see the colors, lines, shapes and form which create the dimensions of artistic expression. As a native North Carolinian, I have been exposed to extreme beauty in nature-gorgeous beaches, stunning seasons and breathtaking landscapes. These backdrops have undoubtedly impacted my eye for all things elegant. This further explains my graphic design style: neat, clean and attractive.

I received formal training in graphic design through the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, an institution of higher learning nestled in one of Pennsylvania’s largest cities. In addition to learning the fundamentals of visual communications, my educational experiences taught me the importance of remaining inspired to create.

What inspires me the most as a designer is the development process from idea to brand.  Giving a customer voice to their vision through media is one of my greatest joys.

So what is your vision? What do you see in the future? Allow me to be a part of your process. I look forward to the opportunity of designing a masterpiece for you.

My Recent Work